Letshego Privacy Policy

At Letshego Holdings Limited, we care about your privacy. We understand that you are the ultimate owner of your Personal Information. The purpose of this privacy policy is to be transparent about how we treat the information we may have about you. We also wish to inform our CUSTOMERS that Letshego Holdings Limited TAKES STRICT measures as per this privacy policy, to ensure that their data remains confidential. We use the most state-of-the-art security technology and systems to protect YOUR data against fraud, unauthorised access and alteration and loss of information.

Privacy Policy Coverage Range (Scope)

Letshego Holdings Limited collects the minimum amount of Personal Information possible to ensure that we can conduct business with you legally, and in a manner that protects all parties. 

Letshego Holdings Limited has a footprint in 11 countries in sub Saharan Africa and, as such, needs to be compliant in each specific jurisdiction. Our Privacy Policy incorporates all the territorial laws in the countries where we operate. Should the policy contravene any law or regulation, the territorial laws and regulations prevail, and Letshego will ensure compliance. This policy covers all services that Letshego Holdings Limited delivers via any channel in all Letshego Holdings Limited subsidiaries across Africa. 

If you think that Letshego contravened any law or regulation, please use the contact us feature on the Letshego website  (https://www.letshego.com ) or contact your local Letshego Call Centre. 

Third-Party Disclosure

Letshego Holdings Limited policy does not apply where you share information with any third party arising from doing business with Letshego. For example, your bank may contact you because you want a Letshego loan. Should you provide them with information and sell or abuse your Personal Information, Letshego Holdings Limited cannot be held accountable. Letshego cannot be held liable for any contract, whether implicit or explicit, that you may have with another party, including guarantees and warranties. Always make sure that you read and understand any third party’s privacy policy and / or terms and conditions. Not all companies will provide the same high level of protection that Letshego Holdings Limited does!

Your Personal Information

Any information that can be used to identify you that we may have on record (including log files) is your Personal Information. Your Personal Information includes information that you supplied when completing forms and facsimiles, photographs, scans, and other reproductions of your information documents. Personal information includes your Name, Identity Information, Passwords, and Contact Details.  Your Personal Information also includes quasi-identifiers that can be used to group you in any way like your age, race, sex, medical information, where you shop and where you invest. 

At Letshego Holdings Limited, we will not collect any information that is not required to do business with you. We will never gather data that is illegal to collect, like medical and genetic information, nor data that has no bearing on business like sexual or political preferences. Letshego will not store any data regarding minors. Letshego also records information about the devices you use to access our systems to prevent fraud.

It does not matter whether you provided the information electronically, verbally or physically. All your Personal Information is classified as confidential and treated with the same respect. All information that third parties like the government, your company or bank may provide about you or on your behalf is treated as strictly confidential for Letshego Holdings Limited.

In most countries, the data protection act will allow the client to withdraw consent to store and use information under some circumstances. Letshego Holdings Limited endeavours to ensure that your Personal Information is at your fingertips securely via our electronic platforms and our sales agents when you may want to review the information.

Why do we need to collect personal information? 

We will not collect excessive personal data and your data will be used for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and in line with applicable laws. We will not ask our customers, or any third party, for any of your information unless it is to achieve the following:

Should we ever share your information with a third party, we will ensure they are made aware of our policy and agree to it in writing. Your data will not be disclosed, made available, or used for other purposes without your consent or otherwise    authorized by law.

Letshego limits third-party communications to use the absolute minimum personal information to allow the business to happen. All this type of communication gets encrypted to ensure that your information is not inadvertently disclosed. Letshego does not sell or rent out any personal information to third parties.

Should you contact us telephonically, we will need you to correctly provide a subset of the information to ensure that we do not share your information with malicious actors. If we contact you, we may request the same to ensure that you answer the phone. Once we have established that you are the owner of the specific account, we may be able to share some details with you, like your forgotten account number, for example.

Letshego will never contact you in person, telephonically or via any other means to request any authentication information, e.g. any password or passphrase or pins . Never give anybody including anybody from Letshego your PIN, password, or passphrase. 

Also, remember that no Letshego Agent will ever request to come to your home to conduct business.


Methods we use to collect Personal Information

Letshego Holdings Limited collates your personal information into a database to simplify the management and security of your Personal Data. You usually provide your Personal Information in the course of conducting business with Letshego to enable us to provide service via one of and could be gathered:

Letshego stores and transmits data in compliance with local laws and regulations and ensures that data is always encrypted. 

Letshego Holdings Limited will not buy or obtain Personal Information illegally.

Suppose you need to understand better why we collect certain Personal Information or what information we collect. In that case, you could obtain more information from your Sales Agent, a Call Centre Agent or by using the “Contact Us”-facility on our website:  https://www.letshego.com/contact-us


Change of Personal Information

You can request Letshego to view the data we have for you at any time and Letshego will provide it in readable format within a reasonable time.

It is law in most territories to keep Personal Information up to date. Should any of your Personal Information change, e.g. your address or telephone number, please contact Letshego Holdings Limited immediately to update our files. You could:

  Visit your closest Letshego branch to update your information or

  You could use any of our electronic channels to update the information

  You also have the right to be deleted from our records when your record is not required under law in your territory of jurisdiction. Letshego will not store the data longer than required by law.

Log Files

All Applications and Web services log information for statistical purposes and ensure that transactions are correct and non-fraudulent. The principle Letshego Holdings Limited follows is to exclude Personal Information or to delete and mask wherever personal information is logged unless it can assist in fraud prevention. Log files are typically used by the Letshego security and fraud teams and are meticulously protected to ensure security. 


Information Access on the Devices

Letshego may access information on your device solely for the transaction. The information will not be stored as part of Letshego data and/or used for marketing purposes. We will always request your consent before accessing data from other applications and inform you of how we intend to use it: 

Letshego will request to access the contacts on your device to enable you to transfer money to a Letshego accounts to ensure that the correct person will receive the transfer. 


Cookies are information that any Letshego Website or Application sends for storage on your local hard drive for storage. In this way, the next time you use any of our services, we will know who you are, that you have visited the website and used our Internet Services before.

Letshego Holdings Limited ensures that it complies with laws and regulations in all the territories it trades when it comes to cookies. We will always place a Cookie Notice on all sites where we host cookies to comply with territorial laws and regulations.

Purpose for Cookies

Letshego Holdings Limited uses cookies to ensure that hackers don’t gain access to your information (session management and device identification) and for analytical, routing and classification purposes.

Disablement of Cookies

Clearing and disabling cookies limits the functionality of Letshego Websites and Applications. They could cause erratic behaviour like re-forcing logon, amongst other issues.  

Should you feel uncomfortable with Cookies, you may limit the collection of your information by disabling cookies on your browser. There is also a way to ensure that you give your permission each time a site attempts to set a cookie. 

Letshego Holdings Applications do rely on cookies to function correctly. You will not have full functionality if you do not accept the cookies we try to set. 

Types of Cookies

Letshego Holdings Limited uses both session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies help the application understand what you are currently busy with. These cookies are short-lived and get deleted when you log out. Persistent cookies are stored over more extended periods and will expire. These cookies will be set up again each time you visit our site. You can delete cookies at any time.  

Letshego will endeavour to encrypt all cookies so that no third party can view them.

Please view our Cookie Notice for more detailed information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Letshego Holdings Limited may UPDATE this Privacy Policy at any time without notice. Policy changes most often happen due to new laws and regulations in the territories WHERE we trade. Letshego Holdings Limited will publish all modifications and amendments made to this policy. Our Sales and Call Centre Agents will explain the details to our customers upon request. Letshego Holdings Limited ensures that users acknowledge any policy changes and accept policy amendments in their online applications or via the Call Centre before doing further business with Letshego.

For any questions about this Privacy Policy, or any related issues, you may contact the Group on GroupCorporateAffairs@letshego.com, and we will respond as soon as possible.